Product Registration
Fill out the online registration card today!
Here are three important reasons why you should register your product with us:
  1. Free Technical Support
    Customers are our Priority! At Individual Software, we provide FREE technical support for all of our products.

  2. New Upgrades
    If we add new features or release new versions, we frequently offer them to registered customers at a special price.

  3. We Listen to You
    Much of the way our software is designed comes from our customer comments and suggestions, so let us know.
If you are having trouble registering your software, please contact Technical Support.

Online Registration Form
* Required field
Customer Information
*  First name
*  Last name
*  Street Address
Address (cont.)
*  City
* State/Province
*  Zip/Postal code
Phone #
* E-Mail
Purchase Information
*  Store/Company
* Date
Product Information
 Product Name

Note:  The product version number can be found under the HELP menu in the ABOUT section of your program. If there is no version number present in the HELP ABOUT screen, please use the mnemonic code found on the CD-ROM, or on the cover page of the manual under the copyright notice. If you cannot find your product, please type the product or any other information in the "other" field.

From time to time, Individual Software may send offers by mail or e-mail. Please choose your preferences below:
Send information and special offers only from Individual Software.
Send information and special offers about related products and services from other companies.

By submitting your registration information, you indicate that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy. Your submission of this form will constitute your consent to the collection and use of this information and the transfer of this information to the United States for processing and storage by Individual Software Inc.